We have a large team of volunteers who help out with everything from field work to guiding. From regular working bees to part-time positions, there are several volunteering opportunities for members of the Supporters. All volunteers are required to be members of Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Inc.
One of our most popular volunteer opportunities is guiding. Guides must undertake at least six buddy training sessions before they become a fully-fledged guide. Although this position is well suited to someone with experience in the conservation field, passionate volunteers with reasonable fitness levels are most welcome to sign up, as full training, ongoing support and development is provided.
Shop Assistants
We are always keen to have additional help in our lovely gift shop. Volunteers work from 10.30am – 3pm and undertake a variety of tasks from stock-taking to customer service.
General Volunteer Opportunities
Keeping an island like Tiritiri in good shape requires a lot of work and, from time to time, we need additional help. Some of the types of tasks we may need help with are:
- pruning vegetation on tracks to DOC standards
- brush cutting and mowing
- track maintenance and repair work
- weed spraying
- weed surveying and monitoring
- construction and carpentry (e.g. making nesting boxes or small structures to plan)
- spring cleaning the bunkhouse
The degree of knowledge and fitness required is variable. You may be working alone or as part of a team, and the tasks may be one-off, project orientated or ongoing such as pruning and weed monitoring. Where applicable, DOC can provide training, e.g. in pruning and safe spraying techniques.
If you have other skills, experience or talents you would like to offer on a voluntary basis please send your name, address and contact details to our secretary:
Supporters Working Weekends
Working Weekends are a wonderful way to help out, get to know the island better and be part of what is happening on Tiritiri Matangi.
Hosted by some of our most experienced guides, there are a number of activities held throughout the weekend, including a night walk and a dawn chorus outing.
Many of the working weekenders are regulars, who love the sense of contributing to the island and enjoy the camaraderie in the bunkhouse at the end of the day.
Supporters, families and also your friends (if they are happy to join the Supporters) are all welcome. All enquiries and bookings for working weekends can be made through the Guiding Manager by emailing booktoguide@tiritirimatangi.
Department of Conservation Volunteering Programme
General Maintenance 7 Day Programme
If you are interested in helping out the rangers on the island, you can join DOC’s volunteer programme.
The role involves carrying out general maintenance tasks which include:
- Track maintenance - clearing tracks and accessway
- Weeding.
- Cleaning - this includes cleaning the water troughs, bunkhouse and the Visitor Centre
- General maintenance tasks such as painting
- Replenishing sugar water supplies, between March and October.
You need to have a medium fitness level to be considered for this position. The Department of Conservation will provide ferry transport and bunkhouse accommodation on the island. You must supply your own food.