Tiritiri Matangi - 2005-2020 - Supplement - Anne Rimmer
This supplement, Tiritiri Matangi 2005-2020 by Anne Rimmer, updates the author's award winning book Tiritiri Matangi: A Model of Conservation which was published in 2004. The 88-page supplement contains all new information and is illustrated with over 100 beautiful photographs.
Tiritiri Matangi Island is a conservation success story of international significance. Thousands of tress, planted by volunteers, and the subsequent release of many rare and endangered species have produced today's world-famous Open Sanctuary near Auckland, New Zealand. The island, which also has a historic lighthouse, attracts over 30,000 visitors per year. It is administered by the Department of Conservation but run moslty by volunteers. Tiritiri Matangi was the model for many of the newer sanctuaries now established throughout New Zealand.