The Supporters organisation has spearheaded a number of projects on Tiritiri Matangi over the years, from field to capital projects, representing a significant contribution in people power as well as financial commitment.
Our mahi (work) includes:
Ongoing Fieldwork
- Funding and field support for the introduction of rare species, including kōkako, takahē, titipounamu/rifleman, Duvaucel’s gecko and wētāpunga.
- Supporting the translocation of rare species from Tiritiri to help establish new populations in sanctuaries such as Ark in the Park, Hunua Ranges, Urupukapuka Island, Mount Bruce, Tawharanui, Motuora, Bushy Park, Maungatautari, Parininihi and Shakespear Regional Park.
- Ongoing funding of our annual weed management programme.
- Ongoing funding for track and building maintenance.
Visitor Engagement and Education Projects
- Maintaining a programme of guided walks for visitors, led by our volunteer guides.
- Developing a range of interpretative signs to inform visitors about the island's fauna, flora and history.
- Providing an innovative education programme that offers a range of curriculum-based activities for primary through to tertiary level students.
- Funding visits for children from decile 1-6 schools to visit the island as part of our Growing Minds programme .
Current Research Development
- Contributing funding and support for the many scientific research projects carried out on the island by researchers from around the world (link).
- Providing opportunities for participation in ‘citizen science’ projects.
Capital Projects
- Building the Visitor Centre and the wharf shelter.
- Building an extensive vehicle and equipment storage facility.
- Purchasing vehicles, including the island’s tractor, utility vehicle and trailer.
- Restoring historic buildings including the watchtower.
- Planning for the future development of a Field Centre, Lighthouse Museum and replica signal mast .
The field and research projects align with the Supporters’ vision to create a complex, healthy ecosystem and a haven for native species. While the education and guiding programme fits with the Supporters’ aim to create a place that engages and inspires visitors to make a difference in their own environment.