Overnight Stays
Overnight accommodation is available on Tiritiri Matangi in the former lighthouse keeper's cottage. The cottage has 15 bunks across three rooms, and is well equipped with all cooking utensils, fridge, freezer, microwave, gas stove, BBQ, and bathroom facilities with hot showers.
- You need to bring a sleeping bag, a pillow case, a sheet to cover the mattress, food, and a torch or flashlight if you want to go walking at night.
- Your food must be in rodent proof containers, like a sealed box. Please do not bring food in open bags or supermarket bags. This is to help prevent an accidental introduction of pests - rodents, argentine ants and plague skinks to name a few. Always check your bags for rodents before leaving home.
- If you are staying overnight, your gear will be from the wharf area to the bunkhouse. Follow the instructions from the island ranger when you arrive.
- Please be aware that the bunkhouse is a shared space that is also used by volunteers and researchers.
- Beds are often booked up several months ahead, so it is wise to plan your trip well in advance. There is usually more space available in the winter months.
- Camping is not permitted on the island.
Bookings can be made online via the button below or by phoning the DOC Auckland Visitor Centre (09 3796476)
Look for kiwi pukupuku/little spotted kiwi, kororā/little penguin or tuatara once the sun goes down.
Evening and night-time activities
If you stay overnight you can explore the island fully. Typically the birds are more active once the day visitors leave, so there is a greater chance of catching sight of the less common birds, such as kōkako. On the island, there are a number of family friendly activities.
Get up early with the birds and hear their melodious dawn chorus.
Do the three-hour loop track that circumnavigates the island, taking in views of Rangitoto, Hauturu and the Kapanga ( the Coromandel).
Bring your snorkel and mask to look for fish on the eastern side of the island, near Northeast Bay or Wooded Island.
There are no pests on the island and we want to keep it that way, so it is important to do some checks to ensure that you’re not carrying an unwanted hitchhiker.
- Check - Your gear for pests such as rodents and insects
- Clean - footwear and gear, removing soil and seeds
- Seal - ensure your gear is zipped up (no open bags)
When you leave the mainland, it is important to scrub your footwear and double check that you’re not taking any unwanted seeds or pests onto the island. For a detailed checklist, see the Department of Conservation’s guide.
Green Design
In the past, Tiritiri Matangi’s lighthouse keepers had to be self-sufficient, and these principles are maintained on the island today. Water is collected from roofs and stored in large tanks. Bore water that is extracted using a solar-powered pump is used for flushing the toilets. Food waste is composted and sewage is collected and taken off the island. In 2006, forty solar panels were installed, making the island less reliant on fossil fuels.