Tiritiri Matangi 2025 Photographic Competition

It is that time of year again when we are looking for entries to our photographic competition (and photos for our 2026 Calendar which raises over $10,000 for the Island).

We have 5 categories –

All photos must have been legally taken on Tiritiri (e.g. drone photos are not permitted) –

  • Fauna
  • Flora
  • Landscape/Seascape
  • People on Tiritiri
  • Under 16 years Old

You can enter 4 photographs in each category. Please email them as attachments to photocomp@tiritirimatangi.org.nz before April 30th. We will have an independent judge from the NZ Photographic Society and all photos must be able to be used for the promotion of Tiritiri Matangi.

To help us enter your photos:

1. Photos can be any size & must be attached to the email (not just copied) – 1 to
5MB is good. It’s OK to send several emails. (.heic files cannot be accepted)
2. Photos should not be zipped
3. Please save the photos with a name:
CC = category
FL Flora/plants
FA Fauna/animals
PE People
LS Landscape/seascape
YP Under 16

XXXXXX = Photo description (e.g. Tui, Hobbs Beach, kowhai, flower)
For example, if Jenny Smith took a photo of a bellbird: JS FA Bellbird
Peter Topp had two kowhai flower photographs: PT FL Kowhai 1; PT FL

Condition of entry The Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Inc (SoTM) acknowledges that photographers own the copyright in their images in accordance with the NZ Copyright Act 1994.  It is a condition of entry that you grant SoTM limited free use of your images in accordance with our new Image Use Policy which restricts usage to SoTM purposes only including for our calendar.  Full details of this new policy are available on our website @ https://www.tiritirimatangi.org.nz/image-use-policy/