SOTM Image Use Policy
1. The Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Inc (SoTM) organisation acknowledges that photographers who provide images for SoTM to use at no charge own the copyright in their images in accordance with the NZ Copyright Act 1994.
2. All images used by SoTM will be credited to the author wherever they are used.
3. Where photographers grant SoTM use of their images free of charge, through entering our calendar competition or supplying images for one of the purposes a. to f. below, we will store these images in our library for reference and will only freely publish them where required:
a. in our annual SoTM calendar
b. in Dawn Chorus (our internal quarterly publication)
c. in Guidelines (our monthly inhouse publication).
d. on our SoTM website
e. in our social media posts (e.g Facebook/Instagram)
f. in any other format which is internal to SoTM and for which no income is received.
4. We acknowledge the generous free contribution of images for our use, and understand that many photographers wish to maintain control over their intellectual property. To that end, we will always seek specific approval for any other use of an image including but not limited to where it is wanted:
• for advertising anything
• for use in signage
• for publication for profit
• for use in merchandising
• for use in a presentation made by anyone.
• for use in research or for a study
• by an organisation, group or individual outside SoTM for any purpose.
5. Should a photographer at any point wish to withdraw their grant to SoTM of free use for an image, then SoTM will delete the image from it’s library and cease all further usage