Working Weekends

Working Weekends are a wonderful way to help out, get to know the island better and be part of what is happening on Tiritiri Matangi.

Four times a year on the Working Weekends you have the opportunity to join longer-term large projects such as infrastructure restoration and improvements, building and track upgrades and maintenance, and occasionally, biodiversity enhancements. Or you might find that much needed restorative clearing of tracks is what suits you. There is always a variety of tasks some of which may include heavy lifting and require a good level of fitness however there are also less strenuous tasks for those less energetic.

Many of the working weekenders are regulars who love the sense of contributing to the Island and enjoy the camaraderie in the bunkhouse at the end of the day. Before a shared dinner, you will have time for a walk and maybe a swim. Often after morning, there is the opportunity to hear the birds’ chorus as they greet the sun at dawn.

Hosted by some of our most experienced guides, there are a number of activities held throughout the weekend, including a night walk and a dawn chorus outing.

Working Weekends occur on Auckland Anniversary Day, Easter, King’s Birthday and Labour Weekends. Workdays are 8:00am – 4:00pm with an hour for lunch.

All enquiries and bookings can be made through the Guiding Manager.


Labour Working Weekend 2023

Kings' Birthday Working Weekend

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