Education Programmes

As one of New Zealand’s oldest island sanctuaries, Tiritiri Matangi is brimming with wildlife rarely seen on the mainland, so students can gain first-hand knowledge of these threatened species and our country’s conservation history.

Our educators have an in-depth understanding of the science curriculum and are able to offer a range of educational experiences on the island that are closely tied to the syllabus. Our education programme:

  • Supports the New Zealand Curriculum, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa or Te Whāriki
  • Enables positive environmental experiences for students and teachers.
  • Is facilitated by experienced and knowledgeable education rangers.
  • Can be part of your Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTC) school trips. 

Growing Minds - Financial support for schools

We believe that every school in Auckland should be given the opportunity to visit Tiritiri Matangi, so in 2012 Growing Minds was started. The programme offers free ferry travel and free guiding for a maximum of 85 students from one school. 

School Visits

Bring your students to Tiritiri Matangi


Growing Minds Programme

If your school has an EQI of 430+ you may be eligible for our Growing Minds funding


School Science Awards

Nominate your eco-champion
