History of Wattle Track
History of Wattle TrackAuthor: Ray and Barbara WalterSourced from Dawn Chorus 70, August 2007There seems to be varying commentary on the history of Wattle Valley. Here is the account of this famous walkway.
Wattle Valley formed part of the Lighthouse Keepers cow paddock and was fenced off from the main farming block until the 1970’s. It was not grazed from approx. the 1950’s and so it naturally regenerated in mostly, mānuka, tī kōuka/cabbage tree and Harakeke/flax. Big Wattle Valley was mostly tī kōuka and Wattles.
The wattles are from a Lighthouse Keepers gardens shelter belt. The 1940 aerial photograph shows 6-8 wattles and 2 fig trees at the bottom of the valley. From these few wattles, Big Wattle Valley was soon populated with further wattles. When the planting programme began they were left as they gave a rich source of nectar for korimako/ bellbirds and tūī. This was one of the major sites for students studying korimako.
As the bush has regenerated the wattles, being light-loving plants, have reduced and also the Australian Quail scratched the germinating seedlings.
Children energised by the wonders of the New Zealand bush
Children energised by the wonders of the New Zealand bushAuthor: Jean GoldschmidtDate: 18/05/23Winter clothes today; boots, long trousers and the raincoat at hand for the dank, dark miserable day. White horses whipping up the waves found the ferry rolling sideways and passengers glued to their seats. Sitting indoors for a change, I smiled and added comments to the conversation between guides but my mind was on the children we would be guiding today. Was I over it? Did I really want another dose of young children? Already in their groups the children came off the boat and lined up on the concrete in a manner which showed thorough preparation – so a good start. Away as group four, I marched up the path with eight ten-year-sold and the teacher behind me. She explained the children were in three groups, birds, environment and she took the māori component but she felt she still had a lot to learn. With full participation, they quickly found all the berry colours on the tawapau. After the constant rain, all heard the gurgling water rising up the māhoe. Everyone found a perfect skeleton leaf which they matched with a green living leaf. At the edge of the bush, the pōpokotea/ whiteheads flitted back and forth over our heads until one briefly landed on the track in front of us. These special little birds with heads dipped in white paint move in families and…
One of the most interesting trips I have ever had in my life
One of the most interesting trips I have ever had in my lifeAuthor: Gabrielle Yan (Year 5/6), Summerland SchoolDate: 15/06/23Tiritiri Matangi was one of the most interesting trips I have ever had in my life. The ferry ride was great, amazingly clean to say the least. The first bird we saw was a bellbird, which had the voice of our school bell, which was very familiar as we have been hearing it for years. Along the way we saw many fantails and bellbirds, so many that they didn’t seem all that rare anymore. We heard a tūī singing near the feeding area, which had been surrounded by all sorts of birds. On the ground lay lots of skeleton leaves which were pretty much transparent with skeletons that looked very much like fibre. Our guide, Bob, showed us a tracking tunnel with laminated pictures of predators’ footprints. While we were taking a rest on a wooden bench, we spotted the biggest New Zealand pigeon ever, perched on top of a very large Nikau. On the way to the lighthouse, we made a wish while touching NZ’s oldest rock (80 million years old) and looking at the youngest (Rangitoto). Right before leaving the forest, we had a finger puppet hunt. The finger puppets were in the shape of native birds and other creatures, which was the most adorable thing ever. After we left the forest, we saw around 3 takahē, which was chasing after the…
King's Birthday Working Weekend
King's Birthday Working WeekendAuthor: Karin GouldstoneDate: 08/06/23On Saturday 3rd June a keen team of 16 volunteers boarded the Explore Ferry to make their way across the sea to Tiritiri Matangi. After settling into the bunkhouse, some bird watching, lunch and a health and safety briefing Talia, the Department of Conservation Ranger set up the working groups. Armed with shovels, shears, secateurs, hedge trimmers and wheelbarrows we tackled the long overdue maintenance on the upper Wattle Track. After a couple of hours with the odd interruption of kōkako, toutouwai/ robin and other wildlife we had a yummy shared dinner. We continued where we left off on the following day and we made amazing progress. In the evening some went exploring or put their feet up. Others went for a night walk and found tuatara, kororā/ little penguin, kiwi pukupuku/ little spotted kiwi, pāteke/ brown teal and wētā punga. Monday was our last day and was spent packing, cleaning and finishing off some jobs before another stroll around the special island. Thank you to Paul, who set up a yoga session in the Visitors Centre. Supporters Working Weekends The Department of Conservation and the Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi greatly appreciate your participation in our General Maintenance Volunteer program. The work of volunteers is an integral part of the island’s success as one…
Up and out, camera ready and heading towards the sunrise kōkako calls
Up and out, camera ready and heading towards the sunrise kōkako callsAuthor: Darren MarkinDate: 21/03/23Staying overnight on Tiritiri Matangi often means an early start. Up and out, camera ready and heading towards the sunrise because kōkako calls. As always, another exciting day is ahead. I know what birds I’m likely to see but the surprise is to see them in an unexpected way. This is so true of kōkako. Will they be on the ground, low down in the bush, more than one together, feeding, calling, petting ….?? On this particular day, I had been out wandering most of the time. Once the ferry had departed, I headed for the Wattle Track and sat on my stool behind the large bench which faces the lower/ bottom water trough. Listening for the faintest of kōkako calls. All quiet to begin with. Out comes my book. Patience needed. Several chapters later, I hear them. Behind me, up in the trees, calling to each other, very quietly as they feed. Just the odd notes, but I only need one. Book down, camera, ears and eyes are now on full alert. They are now above me. Suddenly, Te Rangi Pai comes down and begins drinking at the water trough. In swoops her partner, Hemi, very quickly and he begins feeding her the small green berries. The element of surprise is there, right in front of me. Amazing. She soon hops away, along the fence and up into the trees. Hemi…