Titipounamu / Rifleman Survey
Author: Janet Petricevich shares an update, with input from Simon Fordham.(Article taken and reduced from the recent Dawn Chorus magazine)Date: December 2023
Tiritiri Matangi Island is a scientific reserve as defined in the Reserves Act 1977. Section 21 of the Act states that ‘The principal purpose of these reserves is the protection and preservation in perpetuity of areas for scientific study, research, education, and the benefit of the country.’
One of these activities is the titipounamu (rifleman) survey which begins in late August or early September and continues to around the end of January. The purpose of this survey is the long-term collection of data about the titipounamu population on the Island. Through this survey, Simon Fordham, with help from his wife Morag and other volunteers, has been collecting data about the longevity and dispersal of these birds.
During the initial survey, a team of volunteers walked both the public and research tracks over the Island, listening for the titipounamu’s high-pitched calls. All sightings of the birds are recorded, along with any information about the sighting, e.g. location, number of birds seen and their gender(s), whether they were banded, and any band combinations identified.
If weather conditions allow, mist-netting may also take place. This generally targets un-banded pairs. Any birds caught are banded with a metal band, which contains a unique identification number, and up to three coloured bands, which allow for visual identification of the individual bird. The birds are also weighed, and their gender recorded, along with the location where they were caught. Soon after, Simon will enter this information into the Department of Conservation bird banding system, FALCON.
After the initial survey, nest boxes are then monitored for activity. This gives insight to titipounamu nesting habits. Although nest building can begin in August, the first eggs are not usually laid until early October. The first fledglings emerge around the third week of November. Soon after this, Simon begins catching birds again. By catching and banding juveniles, birds of a known age can be identified. On the Island, Simon knows of three birds, two male and a female, who have exceeded ten years of age.
Titipounamu were first introduced to Tiritiri Matangi in 2009 (31 birds), with additional birds translocated in 2010 (14) and 2011 (15). Simon estimates the current population to be in the mid- hundreds.