Biodiversity Plan

In September 2013 the Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi published a new Biodiversity Plan for the island. This important document will guide the management of the island’s flora and fauna until 2023 and beyond.

The Biodiversity Plan, which took three years to prepare, presents recommendations for the future conservation and management of animals and plants on the island, as well as providing a wealth of information on their current status. There are seven main chapters, covering vegetation, the freshwater ecosystem, birds, reptiles, bats, invertebrates and weeds, plus an introduction which provides some historical background and explains the thinking behind the plan. Several detailed appendices give additional information, including past translocations, species lists and biosecurity measures.

The plan is an evolving document rather than a finished product, so amended editions will be issued from time to time as more is learnt about what best suits the island and its wildlife.